This is one of my favorite pictures of my Grandma, Narcie Delilah Magee. It was taken on Christmas day 2004 and she is modeling the hat I made just for her.
She passed away on Friday, Feb 17th, 2006 at the age of 96. And she will be missed.
Grandma was a very honest person and could be quite outspoken with her honesty. She had a strong Christian faith in the love of God and the power of prayer. She firmly believed that one should always do the right thing and never try to cheat or hurt others. And she has left a legacy that will be passed on down.
Grandma loved to sew, quilt, and crochet. I can't even begin to imagine how many dresses, quilts and afghans she made over the years. She was raised on a farm, lived her life on a farm and knew what a hard day of work was.
And she was a pretty good cook! When I was a child, she would make these great big teacakes that I just loved. (And I never got the recipe for those.) She would also make fried apple tarts and the best creamed corn ever. Now she has told me how to make her creamed corn and I've tried it a few times, but I've never been able to make creamed corn like hers. (Gonna miss that corn 'cause she would always make some up whenever I went down to visit.)
But, there are plenty of reminders of her left here. Grandma also loved flowers and her yard is full of bulbs and plants. Jonquils, larkspurs, roses, and camelias will bloom all through the yard. The picture here is the remains of the pecan tree that fell over during "The Storm". The jonquils came up and bloomed last week, growing sideways on the root ball. A remainder that life does go on regardless of the circumstances.
(And I need to remember to dig up a few of these bulbs for my yard.)
Love ya Gran-ma! I'll see you later.